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In this app you will find new syllabus in CCC which came in 2019, LibreOffice has been replaced by Microsoft Office, this app has been made keeping this in mind, it will help you to understand better about LibreOffice Writer.
In this, we have tried to tell all the options, you must check it once, if you like it, then definitely give us a 5-star rating and if there is any mistake then definitely tell us by commenting.
You can learn in this app:
What is LibreOffice Writer
Introduction to LibreOffice Writer User Interface
LibreOffice Writer File Menu
LibreOffice Writer Edit Menu
LibreOffice Writer View Menu
LibreOffice Writer Insert Menu
LibreOffice Writer Format Menu
LibreOffice Writer Style Menu
LibreOffice Writer Table Menu
LibreOffice Writer Tools Menu
LibreOffice Writer Window Menu
LibreOffice Writer Help Menu